Saturday, August 31, 2013

Saturday and Sunday at the Movies, Part 2

Sunday morning's schedule always included going to church. We would leave the house at 9:30 a.m. , walk the six blocks to church, stopping at the drugstore along the way for a vanilla or chocolate coke.  Arriving at church,we headed to the basement, and changed into our choir robes. We rehearsed our chosen anthem for that Sunday, standing around the piano and then headed upstairs to the back of the church to line up for the walk down the aisle to the sanctuary choir loft as the Sunday service began.

After church, we walked the six blocks back home. This walk, back and forth, from church and home was done in all kinds of weather, season after season.  We didn't really notice the cold or heat because we were always singing and harmonizing church songs, so time flew quickly.

We joined the long line for the Sunday movie, brought our tickets and chose our seats to sit in.  Sometime, for fun, we would sit in the balcony(called Peanut Heaven) behind the front row seats for a change of scenery. The boys down below us  in the floor seats would yell, "Watch out for a nose bleed", because we were seated up higher than the regular audience seats we usually sat in.

Two features usually played on Sundays.  We saw many technicolor musicals.  To us they were magical with their colored costumes and lavish dance numbers.  We would put on plays  in our yards later on during the week, and use the same songs that were in the movie.  If you didn't know all the words, maybe the local drugstore had sheet music of a particular song to help you learn the words and  music?

When the features were coming to an end, the aisles on both sides of the theater were lined up with couples waiting their turn to see the movies.  We knew it was time to go.  Sure enough, the theater clock,on the stage, showed the time was 5:00 p.m.  We left the theater and saw it was dark outside.  We walked back to our homes, singing some of the songs from the movies and commenting on the various costumes.  It was the end of a great weekend.

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