Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Getting our son oriented to his college

Guest post written by Peggy Wyndam

I'm so sad that my son is going to be a college student in about a week. It's so crazy for me to think about that and now the time has actually come for it. It's just so much for me to think about! But, I'm more worried about how he's going to be adjusting to it. he's always been kind of a home body and I worry about him making new friends. He doesn't know that many people at his new college.

So I'm doing what I can now to think about all of the things that I want to use to prepare him for his time at college. While I was looking up some tips online to share with him, I ran across the website Wirelessinternetproviders.net. After I looked through it a little bit, I decided to change over our home internet provider to the one that I found on that website.

A few weeks ago he went to his first year orientation and actually befriended a few people there. He even met a guy that's going to be living on his dorm hall, so I'm not as worried as I was before. But I just wouldn't be a proper mom if I wasn't concerned

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