Friday, July 26, 2013

Going The Other Way

Did anyone notice that the evenings are getting darker a slight bit earlier?  Yes, our longer days are starting to shorten. Let's see, the ruby-throated hummingbird will start to prepare for her long trek back to crossing the Gulf of Mexico in about six more weeks. In a couple of weeks she will start to double up on her feeding of sugar water.

Summer's heat always seems stifling but we seem to forget it when the colder weather is here. The crickets are singing 'full blast'. I haven't seen too many bees.  Last year there was one caught in the hummer's feed and I got stung cleaning it out!  This time of the year there is always a summer breeze blowing. I always think of the 'trade winds'.

TV is a little boring without the regular programs, but surfing the channels lets you view some good nature programs you may have missed the first time around.

I cannot wait until October.  Last year I was amazed by the 'Harvest Moon' shining in my bedroom window.  I hope I have a repeat performance. It reminds me of the movie, "Moonstruck". The brightness was overwhelming!

The dogs are enjoying the outdoors and the birds do not even seem to notice them around. I suppose they are used to seeing them.  It's just the old regulars coming to the feeders.  Doves, Cardinals,Sparrows, and a family of red-winged blackbirds.  The rest of the blackbirds must have moved on.

One of my neighbors have moved and taken their outdoor cat with them.  Now I have to contend with the bunny eating my flowers.  The cat did a good job of keeping the bunnies away. At least the rabbit cannot get into the window boxes


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