Sunday, March 3, 2013

Daylight Savings Time

In a few days we will be observing a change in time.  Daylight Savings Time will be telling us that spring is on its way.  Instead of getting up at 7:00 a.m., it will be 6:00 a.m. Oh, no, I go to bed at 12 midnight! Let's see how the dogs react to the new time.  I know the cat will go 'bonkers', she always does when theres a time change.

I think the animals know because  the change will be a longer day.  There will be more daylight.
There will also be more noise outside.  The birds will be start to arrive and present their daily 'dawn chorus' of song.  Daylight does have quite an effect on nature.

The weather is somewhat snowy and damp.  Soon we will be having our spring rain to wash away all the dirt and feed the annual flowers to bloom.

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