Saturday, July 23, 2011

Favorite Toys

KONG Classic Kong Dog Toy, Large, RedHow to pacify and keep your Chesapeake happy and content.
Thank god for kongs. They are so strong. It took my big male Chessie about a year and a half to finally do in his kong. He was a chewer at heart. He used to carry 4 by 4's in the yard and chew on big logs. The vet asked me "Birch's teeth are all worn down. What has he been chewing?"

Chelsea only chews in the morning after she has her breakfast and relieves herself.  She is so used to the routine. Fill up a kong and a bone (with holes in the ends). I break a medium dog biscuit in half and put the half of a bisquit in the kong and the other in the bone. She always takes the kong first and then comes to get the bone, retiring  under the dining room table, in her lair.  If I forget she keeps after me with a series of woofs until the routine is completed.

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