Saturday, August 20, 2011

More Puppy Memories

Puppy play time consisted of throwing a ball and having Chelsea retrieve the ball and carry to me. At first, she retrieved, and brought the ball to about a foot in front of me. She finally figured it out and gave the ball to me.

Bubble Catching: I would use the liquid bubble solution, the kind with a wand, to entertain her. She would jump up and eat the bubbles as I swirled the wand.

She could be pushy when I opened and closed my dishwasher. The smell of the dishes being put in the washer attracted her scent for food. She started to growl when I began to close the door. I told her, "no", to no avail. My husband told her "no"! Well, that ended the pushiness.

Her desire to jump on the dining room table ended when I smacked a newspaper against the table. All I had to do was show her the paper and she laid down. "Good dog"!

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