Monday, May 28, 2012

The Merrie Month of May

May was an interesting month.  Weather wise, we had mostly cooler days until the very last of the month.  The heat crept in Memorial Day weekend.  We hit a ninety-nine degrees heat with some thunder showers.

The dogs and cat are acclimated to their monthly flea medicine.  The grass in growing profusely and needs a weekly cut.  It seems to taper off in growth after the fourth of July when the humid hot weather makes its appearance. I still haven't gotten any flowers planted or purchased a hanging plant.

Rory, my red setter is busy like a mad scientist checking out the flies, june bugs and moths.  He likes to catch them and eat them.  Soon the outdoor cats will be on patrol at night.  They are very territorial and like to challenge each other.  My indoor cat goes "bonkers" at the basement and front windows over the outside intruder cats.

I hung a new lighthouse hummingbird feeder out front and it seems the ruby-throated hummer seems to not accept it. I had a old red tube one there before when I saw him for the first couple times.  So, I may have to put the tube feeder back up.  Maybe he does not like to share a larger feeding station with other hummers.  It had three feeding dispensers.  The tube feeder only has one.  I hope he decides what he wants to do for I enjoy sitting outside towards evening and watching him come to the feeder.

The streets come alive in the summer.  Lots of activity.  Many couples walking their dogs and pushing children in carriages, and kids riding bikes. Neighbors chatting over fences catching up on each others news.

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