Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Touch of Fall

Well, we are in for some changes. Already, we have had rain, wind and a chilly drop in temperature.
The nights have been cooler, but some of the days have been quite sunny and comfortable.

Fall  makes me want to whet my appetite and plan more heartier meals for dinner..  The summer heat can dissipate your appetite, but fall gets me thinking about adding seasonal spices to my foods and casseroles.

The dogs are waking up from the few months of summer heat.  They seem to be more invigorated by the weather now that it is cooler. Soon the leaves will be gone from the woods and they can have a better view of the wild animals beyond their own fence.  I will have to keep my eye on Rory (red setter) for he has a tendency to wander. Wherefore, my Chessie never leaves the premises.

Right now, the township is putting in drains to rectify the pooling of water in front of the driveway.
It is very treacherous in the winter to walk across ice to get to the mailbox.  When it rains in the summer and spring, the water pools so that you sink down into the ground when walking across it.
You have a choice to either jump across the water or walk on the side to the mailbox, on the grass.  Anyway, today is the long-awaited day for drain installtion.

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