Friday, July 8, 2011

Chessie Talk - Feeding your Chesapeake

HARMONY FARMS Healthy & Holistic Healthy Weight Formula for Dogs, 16.5-Pound BagSearch for dog foodMany years ago I started feeding my dogs commercial dry dog food from the grocery stores. The reason being I followed the current advertisement sales of the time that promoted healthy dog food!
All my Chessie's coats always appeared a little dry and greasy with an oily odor. Most dogs have a doggy odor but the Chessie's has an oily odor. You petted them and your hand was oily!

Evey summer through the fall to December, without fail, Chelsea started losing her coat. She was a mess with allergic reactions to grass.I tried biotin and coat conditioning products which help in winter and spring but could not keep up with nature in the summer and fall months;before the grass died back for the winter. She also had trouble relieving herself and strained to go to the bathroom.

I checked on line for a good healthy dog food.  I discovered Harmony Farms Weight Management for Dogs.
What a blessing.  She has a nice full curly Chessie coat and best of all she does not smell!!  She has no problem going to the bathroom.  Best of all she is enthusiatic like a younger Chessie! 

I highly recommend Harmony Farms Weight Management Dog Food.

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