Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Chessie Sounds

After having lived with Chelsea for eight years, (Fifty-six in dog years) I have come to interpret the various barks and what they mean.

Five staccato barks in a row, mean, alertness! There is something going on outside the front or back window. Pay attention to me.

Barking one bark at a time, just watching.  This usually gets to me because it can be annoying, but she is telling me she is on duty. I call it "Johnny One Bark" after the song, "Johnny One Note.  If anyone recalls the song, the words are:  Johnny could only sing one note and the note he sang was this". Too funny!

Woofing, Reserved only for family in the driveway and entering the premises.  You can plainly hear the emphasis on the "f" of the word, wolf.  I encouraged that in her, and was surprised to hear what I thought was almost an imitation?  I wonder if any Chessie or other dog owners have had this experience?

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