Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Neighborhood Watch Dog

Summer is winding down.  The hummingbirds are leaving. I will miss them.

Thank goodness, cooler weather is on its way. My sensitive skin always feels "creepy crawley" in the hot weather.  I'm sure Chelsea will feel more comfortable.  Her skin is so sensitive to the heat.

The skunks will be coming around the yard with the season change.  Whew! they stop by late evening and early morning.  There is an large orange tiger cat in the neighborhood  that taunts my cat.  He is always at the outside cellar window. He will not leave the window. Sometimes if I am in a deep sleep, I do not hear them, but Chelsea does. She growls and barks until the cat leaves.  Yesterday, he was at our back door.  Chelsea gave a deep guttural growl and pounced at the plate glass window.

She is a "neighborhood watch dog", keeping her ears and eyes open for cars  and people who walk or ride by any hour of the night or early morning.  What's even more interesting: When one dog barks in the neighborhood, the other dogs pick up the sound and alert other dogs.  Always reminded me of the comic strip "Phantom" - the jungle drums that carry the message across the jungle...

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