Saturday, October 22, 2011

Big Girl Woes

I appreciate the guest post, Emerson Moses

Everything’s bigger in Texas, right? Yes. Right. That includes hair, egos, droughts, booties, and monthly bills. Unfortunately, the first few can’t be helped, but I decided to research cable companies, Electric Deals, and water service to see if I couldn’t lower that last one. I’m a woman on a budget, I’ll take a break wherever I can get it. I moved out to Houston last year for a marketing job and have been in love with the city ever since. I was bound and determined to show my parents (who I had to force to cut me off literally the day I moved here) that I could support myself without help. Not that I didn’t looooove the help. But, I decided to take the high road and give up Tory Burch for a few months to prove that I could pay my own bills without a monthly gift inside a sappy card. This is harder than I thought! I’ve nixed eating out four times a week, happy hour every evening, and trips to the nail salon, but am still struggling to make it. I ended up getting a better rate on my power bill, switched cable companies, and decided to forgo the door-to-door trash service (BIG deal for me), and it’s STILL tight. This big girl probably needs to get over herself and just call her mamma.

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