Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Be Alert on What Not to Feed Your Dog

Having just blogged about not feeding dogs turkey, I have decided to research further to see if there are more foods we owners should be aware of.

Guacamole - Avacado

Alcohol - same effect on dogs as humans.

Garlic and onion consumption can lead to anemia

Coffee and Tea-caffeine

Grapes and Raisns - can cause kidney failure in dogs

Milk Products - can cause diarrhea. Consumption of milk products can cause itchiness do to allergic reaction to the milk product

Macadamia Nuts - fatal

Candy, chewing gum, toothpaste and of course chocolate

Table Scraps - Fat cooked and uncooked - can cause pancreaitis

Persimmon, Peaches and Plumps.  Peach Pits contain cyanide

Raw Eggs - salmonella

Raw Meat and Fish - Parasites "Fish Disease" - Thoroughly cook fish

Pretzels and Chips - Salt

Yeast Dough - Produces alcohol that can lead to poisoning

No over-counter meds like ibuprofen/acetamenaphen unless Vet recommended

Baking Powder - Baking Soda and Nutmeg - Highly toxic

SAFE FOODS: lean meats, thoroughly cooked

apples, oranges, bananas, watermellon.  NO SEEDS or STEMS

green beans, cucumber slices, zuccini slices.  Baked Potato - NO RAW POTATO

cooked pasta and rice are good

Please check further with your Vet or online

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