Friday, November 25, 2011

The Day After Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a great holiday.

It was quite an uneventful holiday for the dogs.  No extra treats except some dog biscuits. For us humans it was eating from morning until dinner.  In fact, it all started Thanksgiving Eve. Just snacks:  Beef Summer Sausage slices, cheddar cheese chunks, olives, pumpkin bread with cranberry cream cheese, and egg nog.  On Thanksgiving Day, mid-morning, leftover snacks.  Still snacking at lunchtime, I called it off until Dinner at four o'clock.  Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, rolls and pumpkin, were served and topped off by two prilosec.

Now its the day after Thanksgiving. I decided to "tread softly" by having a piece of toast for breakfast and a turkey salad sandwich for lunch.  If all goes well, it will be a light dinner and back to regular eating.  I'm thankful Thanksgiving only comes once a year!

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