Friday, November 11, 2011

Thanksgiving Turkey for Dogs

Does your dog wait for you to give them some turkey leftovers after your Thanksgiving Dinner is over?
For many years we have shared some turkey scraps with our dogs.  We even gave them some cooked gizzard and heart.  This has been a tradition for many years in my household.

Caution:  I was shocked to read about not giving turkey to your dogs.  I was always cautious about giving turkey skin and bones to dogs. Now, turkey is being questioned.  Turkey fat is another no, no. Along with garlic and onions.  Onion is toxic to dogs and some dogs cannot tolerate garlic.  Too much fatty food can cause pancreatitis in dogs.

Brimed turkey - seasoned with a salt brine is high in salt. Garlic powder is high concentrate of garlic

I would suggest checking with your Veterinarian or other  websites for more detail .

I know I will not be giving Rory and Chelsea any turkey!

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