Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Puppy Adjustment

Rory, the new puppy, seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. Is it my imagination, he looks bigger and its only been three weeks!

He is now a lively, little fellow, wanting to explore his world. I must invent things to keep him "busy" to keep him from getting into trouble in the house. I've found chewing real dog bones (without splinters) stuffed with bread,a dab of peanut butter and a half of small biscuit inserted inside does the trick. I learned this from working with my Chesapeake Bay Retriever, I keep three of the bones going at a time.

Another toy is empty gallon milk cartons (rinsed out and tops discarded) make a great toy, or empty large 2 liter soda pop bottles (tops discared, also)

He has a rubber goose he wacks around. This is good to throw outside for him to retrieve. A few times going after the rubber goose and bringing it in is good exercise for him.

I need another cage because I have to rotate the two dogs, using one cage.
But it all seems to work out.

Keeps me busy!

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