Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dog Allergies - Is it Yeast Overgrowth?

The more I read about dog allergies I've come to a conclusion that most of them are from yeast over-growth.
Are our dogs getting too much sugar in their dog food, along with table scraps?  We humans ingest a lot of products with sugar in it.  Are our dogs eating like we do and suffer from the same yeast problem?  Are they being treated for allergies instead of being treated for yeast-over growth  in the body.  Are their immune systems being fed food that can throw it out of synch?

Years ago dogs ate what the owners ate.  Food was not processed.  Dogs were on the thin-side. Now some dog nutritionist are getting back to basics, balancing our dog's diet with only natural food sources.

Dog owners are spending more on "proper" foods for their pets. It is a competitive business out there to appease owners to "try" their brand.

As always, research, and check with your Vet to do the best for your dog. Our dogs deserve it.

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